WHY USE AN INCUBATOR FOR PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT? The simple answer is more control and knowledge... less pressure. An incubator provides a safe environment to facilitate the correct R&D needed for the success of your project. You can do this in the comfort of your...
APRIL 2023
TEXTILE SOURCING Textile sourcing is now available outside of full consulting services as a stand-alone service. HHC’s sweet spot has always been textile sourcing. We specialize in finding the best possible options for small batch production, as well as large batch. ...
JULY 2022
I have been told I really need post to “Latest News” more. Sad to say I am not a blogger; I am so busy running Heart Hunters, I just forget. It is not that nothing new is happening, it is just that there are new things happening every day. HHC is among many other...
START UPS-SMALL BATCH - RISING UP AND GETTING STRONGER Here it is August, and we are still living in very uncertain times. One thing that is certain however, we here in the U.S.A. have always had a strong entrepreneurial spirit. HHC has slowly but surely been...
Happy New Year! This has been one crazy year and now here we are, January 2021, and 2020 is behind us. HHC is still strong and on the ground making things happen. We have, like all businesses during Covid, had to attend our trade shows virtually. The good news is that...
MARCH 2020
Covid-19 Update HHC hopes everyone is staying safe. We now have factories set up and approved for masks and other Covid-19 apparel items. The lines are up and running, no orders under 1200 please. Please note that we have product development still open for...
Remembering The Environment As 2019 comes to a close HHC would like to remember the environment and remind our industry that we can make a difference. Rayon is still one of the big items on HHC’s list to remind people about when making textile sourcing decisions....
JULY 2019
Establishing A Brands Fit - Old School Ways Go High Tech Fit Blocks -Why Are They Important? What once was old school is now becoming the new way of doing what usually proves to be a very difficult task. Establishing fit for any new brand, or fit for a new category...
We are late in posting updates to the website this year due to all the new domestic projects we have been working on. This year has gone by quickly, and re-shoring is not just a topic at the dinner table, but is becoming a reality. If you read Valerie Coopers CV, you...
Sourcing at Magic- The Future Is Here Automation & The Micro Factory HHC attended sourcing at Magic, CNC- Computer Numerical Control was the main attraction. Here is a good write-up from the on-line publication Textile World. There are still many factories here in...